Neighborhood Purpose Grants
NPGs, or Neighborhood Purpose Grants, are a way for neighborhood councils to partner with and support non-profit organizations and public schools on projects that provide a public benefit to the community. Eligible organizations include 501(c)(3) non-profits as well as public schools. (Please note that grants cannot be issued to religious organizations or to private schools.)
These grants, which are typically between $500 and $5000, are awarded from the neighborhood council’s yearly budget.
A Neighborhood Purpose Grant must provide a demonstrable benefit to the Harbor City community. An NPG activity should build community, enhance the neighborhood, and be open, accessible, and free to the general public. Projects may encompass a wide range and can include, but are not limited to:
• The Arts
• Beautification
• Community Support
• Education
• Community Improvements
How to Apply
1. Please review the grant application package from the City Clerk’s website.
2. Complete the application form.
(Sample of Application submitted by a School) | (Sample of Applications submitted by Organization)
Along with the NPG application form and IRS tax ID information the a detailed proposal must be included:
Detailed information of how and where you serve the Harbor City community
Percentage of the Harbor City Community you serve
Other entities you have gone to or plan to request funds from
How the project will benefit the Harbor City community/how many stakeholders will be affected
How much funds you have acquired before coming to Harbor City NC
Invoices of total estimated costs of said project
Pictures of where the said project will be located or held, etc.
Note: A Project Completion Report Form should be filled out after a grant has been awarded to show the council how the funds were spent. (See last page of Application form)
3. Submit your application to Harbor City NC at Treasurer@harborcitync.com.
4. At the board meeting, plan to attend the board meeting to provide a brief presentation or explanation about your proposal.
The board will discuss your proposal and hear any comments from the public before voting on the NPG. Grants are approved by a majority vote of the board.
If you have any questions, please contact Harbor City NC at Board@harborcitync.com or the Office of the City Clerk, Neighborhood Council Funding Program at (213) 978-1058 or toll free at 3-1-1 or by email at clerk.ncfunding@lacity.org.
To view Harbor City NC NPG budget, visit the Neighborhood Council Funding System Dashboard at https://cityclerk.lacity.org/NCFundPortal/Dashboard.html